Case studies


3 yo, Male, German Spitz

Anamnesis and main complain:

1 episode every month of 1-2 minute of duration, characterized by generalized tremors, nose-licking and dystonic movement of one or more limbs. General physical and neurologic examination within normal limits.


General physical and neurologic examination within normal limits. Currently on therapy with phenobarbital (3 mg/kg q12h).

Clinical Examination:

Advanced Diagnostics:

MRI scan of the brain was normal. Electroencephalogram showed frequent high-amplitude slow-wave (2-3 Hz) with bilateral symmetrical distribution and also frequent, generalized and symmetrical polyspikes .

Other diagnostic assessments:

Blood count and biochemistry, Cardiac evaluation (ECG - Echocardiography) within normal limits.


In this case, the EEG allowed us to confirm a diagnosis of a focal epilepsy with secondary generalization and rule out movement disorder such as Paroxysmal Dyskinesia. These kind of paroxysms have recently become a new field of interest and research. Even if the owners’ video can help in the diagnosis, they are often questionable and so the use of the EEG can be a true and objective help in this cases.

Follow up:

Reduction in seizure frequency and intensity.


Brainsurfer offers the option of having the device in RECORD mode only, eliminating the need for an in-house neurologist for trace acquisition. In other words, professionals have the opportunity to purchase an additional software called READER, which allows for self-reading of EEG traces

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