Brainsurfer – 36th ESVN-ECVN Annual Symposium in Porto on September 13-14
Exciting News: Brainsurfer Evolution Coming Soon!We are thrilled to announce the upcoming release of the Brainsurfer Evolution, the next generation of our EEG device. We will be presenting it at the 36th ESVN-ECVN Annual Symposium in Porto on September 13-14. Stay tuned for more updates on its features and availability!
Brainsurfer – 35th ESVN-ECVN SYMPOSIUM
Introduzione all’elettroencefalogramma diagnostico
L’elettroencefalografia è la scienza che studia e registra l’attività elettrica encefalica attraverso l’applicazione di elettrodi applicati sul cranio e l’elettroencefalogramma ne è la rappresentazione grafica.
Clinical, Short Term Interictal EEG (STI-EEG) pattern analysis, and MRI data indiagnosis of seizure types and aetiologic classification of canine epilepsy: acase series of 152 dogs
A case series study was designed to evaluate the diagnostic value of STI-EEG used routinely in association with Magnetic Risonance Imaging (MRI) studies in dogs with clinical diagnosis of epilepsy.
Artefacts During Eeg Recording
The aim of the study was to describe the main artefacts recognized when recording tracks in an electroencephalogram (EEG). EEG isdesigned to record the different potentials of the electric field generated by brain activity over time; under certain circumstances it can also recordelectrical activity arising from sites other than the encephalon that are not of […]
Crisi epilettiche scatenate dal cibo nei cani
Background: Seizures triggered by eating (STE) behavior are very rare in humans and have not been documented previously in dogs. Objectives: To document the occurrence of STE in dogs and describe their clinic features. Animals: Ten client-owned dogs with STE diagnosed at 5 European referral centers. Methods: A call for suspected cases of STE was […]
Artefatti durante la registrazione interictale-elettroencefalografica a breve termine nei cani
The electroencephalogram (EEG) is an electrodiagnostic technique widely used in both scientific research and clinical medicine. It makes it possible to study the neurophysiology of brain activity by recording real-time changes in electrical potential produced by cortical activation. The importance of EEG in diagnosing canine epilepsy demonstrates its usefulness when the owner’s description of crises […]